Oxfordshire LEP

The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) champions Oxfordshire’s economic potential, acting as a catalyst and convener to drive a dynamic and inclusive economy.

During 2023/24, OxLEP supported almost 1,800 businesses, providing over 2,800 hours of support whilst retaining millions of pounds-worth of apprenticeship levy for the county –investment that would have otherwise been lost to Oxfordshire and can now be accessed by small businesses looking to create career-defining apprenticeship opportunities.

Over the past decade, OxLEP – alongside key partners – has also ensured businesses and communities alike have benefited from £441.7million of investment via the Local Growth Fund and Getting Building Fund, with positive impacts set to be felt for many years to come.

During 2023/24, OxLEP delivered:

  • Almost 700 business support plans via its online tool for businesses.

  • £842,000-worth of grants for over 50 visitor economy businesses.

  • Webinars to 750-plus businesses.

  • Through the annual CareersFest event, inspiration to over 3,250 students to discover exciting career paths.

  • Almost 500 devices to individuals to reduce digital poverty via the ‘No Limits’ programme.

  • Support to 429 people, helping them to move closer to the labour market via ‘No Limits’.

  • Via the Oxfordshire Careers Hub, support to 58 secondary schools and further education colleges in the county.

  • Major awareness for apprenticeships in the county, engaging dozens of businesses and apprentices alike, via the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards.

OxLEP are now an Oxfordshire County Council-owned company with the completion of a new operational arrangement to be in-place for 1 April 2025.

Sponsor contact information


The Oxford Trust


RWK Goodman